Fue Hair transplant in ln Lahore pakistan :Understanding Transitions of the Scalp and Why They are Important
Gradual Transitions Shown in Recipient Sites for the Crown
When I design recipient sites for hair restoration I am always cognizant that each site must blend naturally to the adjacent sites for several reasons. First, hair naturally slowly transitions in angle from one area to another. In a natural untransplanted scalp no hair angles abruptly change so for optimal naturalness these gradual transitions must be respected. Second, hairs that change angles abruptly from one site to the adjacent site are very hard for a patient to comb and can make hairs look unkempt in appearance. Third, hairs that change abruptly in angle can leave a bald space between them since a sudden change in angle leaves too much space between sites. Fourth, visual density is compromised since the hairs cannot be properly interlocked when they change angles abruptly. For all of these reasons, a well-versed hair-transplant surgeon should understand how hair grows on the head naturally and work to ensure that the transplanted hairs follow this design closely without sudden jerky changes to hair angles