Tackling Common Tummy Tuck Myths
Despite the popularity of the tummy tuck, it can be difficult for first-time patients to navigate the world of information and misinformation available. There can be a lot of myths and misunderstandings about tummy tucks and plastic surgery in general, meaning it’s extremely important to gather the right facts before you opt for surgery. Although your board certified plastic surgeon is the best authority on your unique procedure, you’ll need to do your research before your consultation. Here are some common myths you’ll find about tummy tucks and what it’ll mean for your results
Myth 1: Tummy tucks are one-size-fits-all procedures
The reality is that tummy tucks are as unique as the patients who undergo them. Your plastic surgeon will carefully evaluate your goals and anatomy to create the best possible surgical plan for you rather than using any single technique or approach. for this reason, it’s important to choose a plastic surgeon with experience and expertise in tummy tuck procedures so that they’re well-versed in the different tummy tuck methods and will ensure your results are natural and flattering.
Myth 2: Diet and exercise can get the same results as a tummy tuck
The reality is that tummy tucks address issues that exercise or dieting can’t fix. Even though eating well and exercising can help you lose weight, they can’t eliminate stretched skin and muscles caused by pregnancy or weight loss. The tummy tuck can even come with medical benefits to reduce symptoms that come with stretched muscles like back pain and incontinence. This means that the tummy tuck can be an integral part of recovering from pregnancy and significant weight loss.
Myth 3: Tummy tucks are an excellent way to initiate weight loss
The tummy tuck is not a weight-loss procedure. Rather, it can help put the finishing touches on your new body after you lose weight. This is because significant changes in your body like weight gain or loss can affect your results. Most plastic surgeons advocate that you be at a stable weight for at least a few months before considering a tummy tuck for best results.
Schedule a Consultation
The tummy tuck is one of the best ways to transform your stomach and enjoy a flatter, more contoured figure. To meet with us and learn more about your options, we invite you to contact