Avoid hybrid –combo hair transplant in Pakistan –Get Fue only procedure
Hybrid hair transplant is a combination of FUT and FUE hair restoration procedure. An old method called strip as well as latest procedure called FUE are performed together in the same day. The purpose is to maximize donor area grafts. One can expect more than five or six thousand grafts in a single day while getting minimum size of scar in the donor area. It is very rare to get 5000 to 6000 grafts in Asians due to less grafts availability in the donor area, thickness of hair diameter further decrease chances of 5000 to 6000 grafts in Asians. Though there are many clinics marketing as Combo or hybrid hair transplant in Pakistan but such clinics are just using it as marketing tool. These are various reasons:-
These clinics cannot perform and do not have expertise to perform FUE technique for more than 3000, 4000 or 5000 grafts. While its universal truth we can get more than 4000 or 5000 graftsby follicular unit extraction procedure in a single day.
The goal of such clinics is to hide their lack of experience and skill and convince patients for strip or FUT procedure by adding or combining FUE technique.The fact is that such clinics do not have skilled or experienced surgeons for FUE procedure. As Follicular unit extraction procedure demands 2 to 4 hours surgeon or doctor presence in the theater and doctor have to extract all grafts so to avoid all this meticulous work combo or hybrid hair transplant in Pakistan or Lahore is marketed at different clinics
Mostly patients visit these clinics for Fue or follicular unit extraction procedure and due to lack of expertise /skill of surgeons in such clinics, marketing managers convince you for hybrid or combo hair restoration procedure. They will give you arguments for more number of grafts and more bald area will be covered in Combo or hybrid procedure and ultimately gave you linear donor scar. Though it was in your mind to get scar and stitches free procedure but you will end up with scar or strip method in combination with FUE in such types of clinics. It is just a trap so better to avoid such marketing tool and managers
Patients who are advised for combo or hybrid hair transplant in Pakistan should avoid from these clinics and doctors and visit us for honest and unbiased opinion. You deserve best and we have same expertise and skill in F.U.E. procedure as developed countries doctors and clinics